Petrified wood facilitates patience, stability, and grounding. It can support us through the evolution of spirit and help to build strength of character. Petrified wood is beneficial for connecting with ancient roots and during past life recall. It will assist with accessing the Akashic Records and learning ancient knowledge. This stone can be very useful when burdens become too much to handle, and will bring about emotional comfort. It is associated with both the Earth Star and Root chakras.
A is 2.75".
B is 2".
C is 1 5/8".
D is1.75".
E is 2 7/8".
F is 1 5/8"
G is 2.25".
H is 1.75".
I is 2.5".
J is 2 1/8".
K is 2 1/8".
L is 4.25"
M is 1.75" tall and 3 1/8" wide.